Whistleblower Information for Employees of Federal Contractors and Grantees

Employees of federal contractors and grantees play a critical role in ensuring that all federal funds are utilized honestly, efficiently, and accountably. Recognizing this, Congress passed laws to protect employees of contractors and grantees from retaliation.

Most federal agencies have independent Inspectors General who independently audit and investigate agency programs to root out fraud, waste and abuse. These Offices of Inspectors General (OIG) also play an important role investigating retaliation by a federal contactor or grantee against an employee who discloses wrongdoing. If an Inspector General finds that a contractor or grantee retaliated against an employee, the federal agency responsible for the contract or grant may order the contractor or grantee to correct the retaliation and to pay for damages incurred by the employee because of the retaliation.

Who is covered by these protections?

You are covered if you are an employee of a federal contractor, subcontractor, grantee, or subgrantee, or hold a personal services contract with a federal agency. Persons receiving federal assistance, such as a student loan or social security, are not covered.

What is a protected disclosure?

It is unlawful for a contractor or grantee to retaliate against you for making a “protected disclosure.” A disclosure is protected if it meets two criteria: