Changes to South Dakota’s Parenting Guidelines – Effective July 1, 2022

Mom and Child

Effective July 1, 2022, changes are coming to the South Dakota Parenting Guidelines (“Guidelines”). These changes provide significantly more clarity to decrease arguments between parents as to what the Guidelines state. Below are some of the changes you should be aware of:

All items previously listed under Guideline 1. General Rules have now been relocated to Guideline 4. General Rules Applicable to All Parents. This means all the guideline numbers have moved up, making it even more important to understand and follow the most up-to-date guidelines.

Notably, across the Guidelines, the distinction between custodial and noncustodial parents has been significantly decreased and, in most cases removed, in favor of language identifying the parent providing primary care or the “residential parent.” This is a trend on a national scale and one that will likely bleed over into other areas of family law as well.


Guideline 1. For Parents Who Have Children Under Age 5.

Guideline 2:For Parents Who Have Children Aged 5 and Older and Reside no More Than 200 Miles Apart.

Guideline 3: For Parents Who Have Children Aged 5 and Older and Reside More Than 200 Miles Apart.

Guideline 4: General Rules Applicable to all Parents.

Separate sections are added at the end of the Guidelines to provide basic information, such as:

Finally, the new Guidelines incorporated a 2-page ‘Tips to Stay Focused on the Children.” These tips focus on the effect divorce and separate households has on children and provides information on how to help children through the process. It is always important to keep the children at the center of decision-making and always have open communication to keep both parents involved and to make childhood as fulfilling as possible.

These changes were presented to and adopted by the South Dakota Supreme Court after the Court considered and weighed the written and oral arguments both for and against the revisions.