Hik-Connect Tip for push notifications with Hik Connect App

I hope this isn't a repost, and I also hope this helps others. I've struggled to get push notifications to work with the Hik Connect App, so much so that I kept giving up and going back to IVMS 4500 just for the live view. I finally figured out the bug tonight so I'm passing this on:

It's obvious on initial setup that you have to enable "message push notifications" in the settings menu. I did that many times, but unfortunately it did not result in any push notifications:


There is, however, yet another push notification toggle that needs to be activated in order for it to work. Press the "Hik Connect" button on the bottom left of the main screen to get to this page, then hit the three dots that are circled:


That will take you to this page, in which "alarm notification" is set to "off" on default! Without that toggled on, push notifications will not work. I finally found it and everything is working beautifully! Apologies if this is common knowledge, but I sure didn't notice this after lots of searching.

Last edited: May 30, 2019

Reactions: Phil